Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Johnny wants to shoot himself
But Mommy doesn't want to
Johnny wants to watch television
But Mommy said to not to
Johnny's got a brain
He does
But it doesn't really work too good

So Mommy got a job for him
Now there's shit to do
Johnny slit his wrists last night
Rusty razorblades and teeth and shampoo
Johnny fell asleep, in peace
But he didn't wake up in the bathroom
Still one piece, and Mommy hovers
And Mommy cries
And Johnny wishes she'd leave soon

Now Johnny gets to watch TV
And everyday he wants to
Mommy's sad and Mommy's mad
But Johnny doesn't have to
Cause John's on pills
And Mom's no thrill
She's plenty medicated too

So now the state will pay
Happily, for you
To not worry for a moment
Johny's fine and Mommy's kind
And it seems there's just not much left to do

And Mom's no thrill
She's plenty medicated too